Wednesday 14 March 2012

Woman on Woman Crime!

For many years it seems that women have been unable to see other women being happy, successful, stylish or beautiful and simply be happy for them. I often think that women are deficient in a chemical, something that would allow them to cheer on other peoples triumphs.

I often encounter this within life, work and education. Women can't simply see what you're wearing and say how much they like it. They automatically process this emotion in a negative way, like somehow by one woman looking good in a pair of shoes, for example, that this has some terrible implication for them. They react in a negative way and come up with a million reasons why they don't like the shoes or even why they don't like the person in the shoes.

I'm not for one moment suggesting that I am an angel, even I'm guilty of this. When collecting marks I am often met by women that have done better than me and instead of cheering them on and congratulating them, my teeth bare and my fists clench and for that moment I absolutely hate that person. Jealousy rushes through me like a drug, it may not show to the people around me but this is simply because I have become an expert at hiding it.

I would say however, we should triumph in the victories of others, cheer on our fellow woman. Say congratulations and mean it, say 'you look nice today' without thinking "you bitch!" in your head.

Have Destiny's Child and The Spice Girls taught us nothing?

                                   Me and my friend Hannah being victorious, try not to hate us.

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