Sunday 11 March 2012

British Summer Time

...technically begins at the end of this month and although it is currently the middle of March we were very briefly blessed with sunshine.

Whilst in Birmingham, enjoying the St.Paddy's day festivities, the sun beamed through the parted clouds and however briefly, gingers cowered and I rejoiced.

Like typical Brits the moment those rays touched down the clothes were removed and the sunglasses donned as an afternoon of sun worshipping commenced. Social engagements were put on hold all over the county because, HOLD THE FRONT PAGE the west midlands had some sun.

I chose to wrap up however, my skinny arms and lack of sufficient meat means I feel the cold terribly and lets be honest it was still chilly at best in the shade. My atrocious and ever changing eye sight and ridiculously expensive spectacles means no sunglasses for Emma. So I was content with a walk in the park and a 99.

The people of this glorious isle intrigue me at the best of times but add a bit of sunshine and the clothes come off, everyone is happier and it's like the weekend all week.

Roll on summer.


  1. Oh Emma you do make me giggle :3


  2. :D finally plucked up the courage to expose my blog to the world lol. x
