Saturday 19 May 2012

After a long day of working retail...

I work in retail.

With every passing shift It becomes clearer and clearer how much I don't want to be there.

It's not the hard work, I am no stranger to hard work. It's not the pay, I'm actually paid pretty well. It's the fact that I can't be in the slightest bit creative.

Over the past, probably 5 years I have managed to focus my life in the direction I want it to go. That direction is towards creativity and in turn happiness. I realised today that this is the last piece of my life that isn't focused towards my own happiness and own talents and that's why it makes me so discouraged. Sadly however, at the moment, one simply couldn't be without the other. Unless I wanted to be a dustbin dweller then it would be entirely plausible but otherwise no.

As my mood sinks however my motivation rises and my determination has never been so powerful.

What I'm trying to say is that I'm currently stuck in a bit of a loop but it's only temporary. I'm very much at the beginning of a journey which I sincerely hope will end in much much happiness and lots and lots of creativity.


  1. I completely understand. day, we'll look back on these jobs and be like 'It was a pain but we made it!'


  2. Here here Melly. :)

    We'll appreciate everything we went through to get to where we want to be, I promise you. :) x
