Thursday 12 April 2012

Multichannel yourself.

Ok, so I have just about every single social network that you could possibly imagine and yet, my thirst still remains to be un-quenched.

I have had a youtube channel for about a million years but I have never actually posted anything.

To begin with I hated the sound of my own voice, my yam yam accent is quite disgusting. Moreover, growing up in a Catholic household I was always taught to be seen and not heard and I think this has genuinely stuck with me. I've always been tentative when it comes to showing off, being exuberant or loud. I have gotten to a point in my life however that I'm just thinking 'sod it.'

SOOOOOOOOOO...I have began the process of building a radio show. Me and my good friend Amanda Johansson are hilarious and we feel we should share this with the world.

I am also making a resolution to work on my youtube, I have no choice but to keep up with my blog and to slowly but surely take over the world.

I will obviously be checking back in the coming months and letting you know how this world domination is going. I'm PRETTY SURE I WON'T but don't worry, I won't forget you when I'm fay-mousse.

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